Always plowing through obsolete and forgotten media to preserve what might otherwise be lost to time! Also whatever the hell I feel like posting, like showing my equipment and what-not.
I have just added a Donate button- you aren't obligated to donate but I would greatly appreciate it as I am just one person doing everything here. I have spent obscene amounts of money on some of my equipment and getting it serviced just so I can bring you the highest-quality transfers, I spend a lot of money on some of the media I acquire also. I certainly deserve donations more than many of the higher-profile YouTubers who ask for donations- many of them have the balls to ask for money and then ruin their videos with onscreen logos! I never do that, and I always upscale everything to the proper frame rate which only a few other users do.
But more than money, I am always looking for more off-air TV recordings from 1984 or earlier on VHS or Beta to feature here, and I can provide quality DVD copies!
The Media Hoarder
This is how I get my videos to display at the proper frame rate. Anyone who knows better ways can share them here, this is easy though and everyone should be doing it in one way or another if they upload old stuff!
11 months ago | [YT] | 8
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