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🔷 有關香港賽馬會及其綜合營運模式,請瀏覽:bit.ly/AboutHKJC

🔷 博彩要有節制: www.hkjc.com/responsible-gambling/ch/index.aspx
▪ 未滿十八歲人士不得投注或進入可投注的地方。
▪ 向非法或海外莊家下注,即屬違法,且可被判監禁。
▪ 切勿沉迷賭博,如需尋求輔導協助,可致電平和基金熱線1834 633。

🔷 Subscribe to HKJC's YouTube official channel to view the latest [Racing To Win], [Two To Follow], [The Winning Factor], [Striding On] and many other racing programmes & tidbits.

🔷About HKJC and its integrated business model: bit.ly/HKJCWhoWeAre

🔷 Play Responsibly: www.hkjc.com/responsible-gambling/en/index.aspx
▪ No person under 18 is allowed to bet or enter premises where bets are accepted.
▪ Betting with illegal or overseas bookmakers is against the law and offenders may be liable to imprisonment.
▪ Don't gamble your life away. Call Ping Wo Fund hotline 1834 633 if you need help or counselling.