Hey, I'm Kat and welcome to my channel, where I share my passion for playing the piano and help others grow in their musical journey. I was a full-time entertainer with over 16 years of experience in the entertainment industry and now teaching piano online full-time and absolutely loving it! I believe in teaching piano in a way that truly helps students develop a love for music and enjoyment for playing.
On this channel, you'll find a variety of content related to playing the piano, including live-streamed piano practice sessions, tips on learning how to play, and insights on growing a successful piano teaching studio. My goal is to encourage you to keep growing in your own piano-playing journey.
But it's not just about technical skills - I also delve into the mindset needed for successful piano playing and learning. I share tips for teachers on how to teach piano online and how to grow a piano teaching studio.
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope to see you in the comments!