Digital teacher training on Finnish education 2.0 You and greetings from Finland! Twitter @Pirre74
15 videos
The Finnish Flip
ALO Finland - MOOC and global learning
12 videos
Curriculum, work methods, multi-disciplinary & phenomenal learning
18 videos
Who says learning can't be fun?
19 videos
Phenomenal and Fun Learning in Finland
9 videos
Team teaching, Fun and active learning
11 videos
ALO Finland MOOC on Innovative Pedagogy and EdTech
5 videos
Einstein on Imagination, Creativity and Education
3 videos
MOOC Learning and Collaboration
Finnish preschool education
EdTech - Pedagogy 1st
Multi-disciplinary learning in Finland - Art exhibition in primary school
Gamified maths
4 videos
Maths, digital devices, gamification and PE
13 videos
Drama, grammar, history, PE - Fun & Active Learning
2 videos
Beautiful learning environment used in various ways in Kilvakkala
Finnish school canteens, self-service, free meals
Mobile solutions and different learning environments
10 videos
Environmental school in Finland
EdTech in Finnish primary schools
Travel & Learn
-1 video
Global education