Hells army are no-more :( so these video's are tributes to all the loyal guildies and for all those laughs we had.
I would like to thank Nickyboy, Bobbobbob, Carcrashed, Eviljakey, Nartoch and family and many many more the guild wouldnt have been so great without you guys thankyou loads.
Keep a look out for 3 top guilds and their guild videos:-
DARK FORCE- the ultimate lvl 60+ raiding guild, with Nickyboy as guildmaster
Hells Crusade:- Nartoch and family are doin a great job spreading the word of hells army
The Hemp Knights:- the crazy chilled out dudes

Thanks for watching and This wont be the end of our videos

And remember we are on darkspear if you would like an invite to any of the guilds above just /w floz, nickyboy or nartoch for an invite.