Ferret Tails is a channel for pet owners, with a special emphasis on ferrets. You will find lots of DIY sew and no-sew tutorials, ferret care/enrichment videos, and some videos on other domestic pets, like cats, dogs & fish!

I have 5 ferrets, Weasel, Lucy, Ruby, Bear, and Oscar. I also have 2 dogs, Blondie & Brasco, 5 cats, Little Foot, Multi-grain, Scoop, Mommy Cat, and Claire Belle, 3 indoor fish tropical tanks and a goldfish pond, which houses our carnival goldfish Dailey and his offspring.

There are links to my Etsy shop, website, Facebook and Instagram in the channels about section. You can contact me by email at myferrettails@gmail.com,


Shared 4 years ago



Shared 4 years ago