Hi, I'm Adam! I’m an asexual and autistic cis male. I am a storyteller, stage/voice actor, writer, video essayist, singer, twitch streamer and more! If you’re interested in contacting me for any work or theories or hey just to say hi, I would LOVE to hear from you at Adam.myers.pro@gmail.com. Just make sure it’s all done with respect and kindness. You got nothing to lose by doing that. :) Make it clear what you’re reaching out for and a general description of yourself and your background and I’ll try to respond. Please don’t waste my time though, I have no tolerance for those who express cruelty or intend to use me for something, and I will block you for that. However, I love working with people as long as my values are respected!
With all that out of the way, I hope you have a wonderful time on this channel. I hope to bring you all joy, hope, fun, introspection, and fresh perspectives via my various works.
Always be kind and remember, as long as there's a tomorrow, there's hope :)