My videos are for fans of the artists or bands.It is a non profit making channel,the videos are shared on you tube,fan sites and artists or band sites of who I recorded.At the moment the camera I use is a Sony HX50.
9 videos
Tori Amos tour 2017
12 videos
Micro bangers @ Warton.
15 videos
2Ltr bangers at Warton
4 videos
Caravan Demolition Derby
11 videos
Bangers Civil War@ Hednesford 2016.
3 videos
Regina Spektor @ Albert Hall Manchester.
16 videos
MFVF 2014.
19 videos
Tori Amos tour 2014.
32 videos
Tori Amos Unrepentant Geraldines tour 2014.
Tori Amos goodies
Chantel Mcgregor