We are classically trained musicians who love to merge music and gaming. We specialize in GeekChic music with our own unique arrangements. Video games, Tabletop games, classical music, contemporary music, we love it all!
21 videos
Campfire Tales
Phoenix Down RPG
44 videos
Phoenix Down RPG Performs!
2 videos
Looping Pedal music
Reed Trios
-1 video
Classical Mix
5 videos
ICCC, Dylan Lloyd
3 videos
Dragon Ballad Volume III
9 videos
Dragon Ballad Volume II
Quarantine Miniatures
7 videos
Dragon Ballad Volume 1
13 videos
VGM Challenge Dylan
8 videos
VGM Challenge Teil
Mordenkainen's Tome Review
6 videos
Cards Against Humanity Saves America
4 videos
Ohayocon Panel: Name That Tune: Gaming Edition!
Dylan plays Aerophone