You're gonna find a TON of David Cook videos here, but also,Vids of my newest musical obsession Pentatonix.
129 videos
Crochet Tutorials
2 videos
L&D Education Videos
9 videos
Kansas City Chiefs
-1 video
Avi Kaplan - Solo Career
12 videos
Avi Kaplan - Nashville - 4/22/19 - late show
10 videos
Avi Kaplan - Nashville - 4/22/19 - early show
31 videos
AviKaplan - COTR Reaction Videos
7 videos
Avi Kaplan Stageit Livestream
Avi Kaplan - Change on the Rise
Chiefs Game Reactions
Work Education Videos
Pentatonix - Dallas - 7/26/18 - Dos Equis Pavilion
Pentatonix - Walmart AMP- Rogers, AR - 7/25/18
8 videos
A Cappella Academy Showcase 2018
280 videos
46 videos
Jordan & Lindsey - DWTS
Avi Kaplan on Blade runner 2049 soundtrack
23 videos
Avi Kaplan (from Pentatonix)
Pentatonix - Bonner Springs, KS - August 27, 2017
Pentatonix - Nebraska State Fair - August 26, 2017
14 videos
Mareck Productions Pentatonix Reactions
5 videos
Pentatonix - Celeste Center - Ohio State Fair - 8/5/2017
4 videos
Pentatonix - PNC Pavilion - Cincinnati, OH - 8/6/2017
Avriel - Hey Ya!
3 videos
AVRIEL and the Sequoias - Sage and Stone