I started recording music in 1979 and my first tape was called "a homemade tape" (later named Laney one) which was an amalgamation of all my recordings I still had. After finding a name for myself Zirconium Mechanism and making my first album Laney Two on a C-90 cassette (named after my new guitar amp a Laney Pro 75 Reverb).Ten years of musical evolution with many techniques acquired along the way, but by 1992 I had split up with myself (different directions were becoming apparent). I spent many a happy night out enjoying the rave culture which influenced what I was changing into, and in 1995 mesmo was born.Three albums were made by 1999 all mastered onto minidisc.
In 2000 I had moved home and much of my recording gear was sold and for a few years I thought my music days were over,but thanks to being able to share my music for the first time on the internet I started making videos and I'm still doing it :)


Shared 55 years ago



Shared 55 years ago