Welcome to my youtube page, where I post some of my Torah Lectures. There are plenty of places to find entertaining stories that sound great, but my goal is showing you Torah that can impact your life . Please also visit my website for many more lectures/audio/articles/CDs and to Donate to help our Kiruv efforts to save souls by bringing them back to HaShem through His Holy Torah teachings. www.BeEzratHaShem.org
If the Torah you're learning is no longer impacting your life in a positive way, than its time for a change. If you haven't learned Torah in a long time or ever, then its time to start friend. I guarantee you will enjoy the journey and life will never be the same, if you just give it a real chance. To Support our KIRUV and Torah Teachings work please DONATE at www.BeEzratHaShem.org or If you'd like to invite Rabbi Yaron Reuven to give a lecture at your synagogue, home or office. Rabbi Reuven is based out of Florida but travels to give lectures to different groups.
Shared 1 month ago
Shared 1 month ago