Mary Livich Proverbs 31 Woman 🀍

Live Laugh Love... My ONLY account here to. Worth more than Rubies... Love 0ne Another. Do not Lie and Become Deceitful. Be CAREFUL what you believe! Lies spread quicker than the TRUTH! God loves an honest heart! He sees you all. For God Looks Upon Your Heart 🀍 Be the difference in a cruel World. Be the change... According to Jesus I know my worth. For a Womans worth is far greater than Rubies. Discover your worth in the Lord Jesus and not this World. I am here to also share the Love of Christ ✝️ We all have a purpose. Faith Hope and Love. The Greatest of these is L0VE 🫢🏻 When the World attacks you and distorts you remember who goes before you and holds onto you... Soon we will all see the King. Be ready! Remember the Devil is a consistent Liar!