I no longer engage on the internet to any appreciable degree, but I do have a Facebook page "Ex Nihilo - The Logic of Existence" ( www.facebook.com/groups/404317327307419 ) where I have posted a free PDF copy of my book of the same name (written as my 'pandemic project' - click "Files" and then latest version of "Ex Nihilo Free PDF"). I'll keep that PDF up to date. The physical book (if anyone wants it) is available on Amazon ... enter "Ex Nihilo Logic" in books and it will come up (word count 245,000 @ 700 pages w/ hundreds of illustrations). Thanks to all who visited my site on YouTube and my former website (ebtx.com) over the past 25 years. My website has been terminated for cost considerations, but this YouTube channel can remain up indefinitely owing to its being 'free' (though some videos have been removed for lack of interest and some for censorship considerations). - E. Beaubien May 7, 2021