Korean Bow enthusiast. Shoot and collect KTBsBeginner - not an expert but sharing my journey and practice. Archery is not just about trick shots and X's. There is practice and hard work too. I film it and share it.
171 videos
Korean archery
19 videos
JeilGung JIG 제일궁 JuMongGung JMG 주몽궁
37 videos
Archery general
59 videos
How to..
9 videos
Yeon Mu Gung YMG
22 videos
KTB practice
CheonJiGung CJG 천지궁
8 videos
Equipment reviews
29 videos
Daylite Archery Majesty 3K Carbon
4 videos
Freddie Archery Nomad Black Shadow
15 videos
SMG SongMuGung 송무궁
Arrow spine testing
5 videos
Other bows
11 videos
KTB general beginner tips 국궁
3 videos
KTB en español
KTB Shoot-offs
14 videos
Slavic release