Welcome to The Unravel Collective where we unravel the Human condition to reveal the Multi Dimensional Self.
I honor the Human experience as an Agent of Conscious Evolution. The Arcturians initiated communication with me in June 2020 and I began Channeling their messages for the public soon after. I am a normal Human living on this Earth, who also happens be an Arcturian named Onye. I am learning to integrate both Yvonne and Onye as a Being who is here to help assist the planet transition to New Earth.
Licensed Acupuncturist, EnergyWorker, Akashic Records and Galactic Channel, Conscious Creator living in Nashville, TN
IG: @the.unravelcollective
Full transcriptions of all channeled transmissions can be found under Channeled Guidance at www.yvonneconstancio.com
To book Acupuncture, Energywork or Akashic Records Readings visit www.yvonneconstancio.com