Hello, we’re Scott and Shelley Weier from San Diego, California. In 2019, we sold our house and boarded a flight from Los Angeles to Destinations Unknown in search of a less-stressful, more enjoyable life -- and hopefully more affordable too! We are looking for a permanent retirement home -- absent of the drama now so omnipresent in the U.S. We are looking to better understand foreign cultures, cuisines and lifestyle ammenities such as housing, transportation and medical services. To figure all this stuff out, you need to have "boots on the ground" --- so we're going slow -- usually spending at least 30 days in a place (and sometimes much longer). Everywhere we go, we'll answer the question... "but could we actually live here?"
We are documenting our travels to show like-minded people that you can live a very good life outside of the U.S! Follow along and we'll show you what to expect when you live like a local in some very interesting countries! You can do this too!