Staying yellow since 2015. :D

Back in 2015, I began to produce videos on what interested “me”. What began as an occasional hobby turned into a passion as I realized that there is always something new to learn, or when given the opportunity to teach and/or help others each and every day.

Originally, I was focused on video games and movies and took them at face value which is what we should be able to do at times; sit back, relax, enjoy and turn off the thought process, (if we are ever truly able to do so). Eventually my interest and research in psychology, philosophy and their effect on the world and, in this case, specifically the area of entertainment, led me to further research.

More recently, I have been drawn to the important topics of mental health and autism. Never has there been a more important time for us to be informed, raise awareness and support one another throughout the various challenges we are faced with in life.

Max Derrat

Hey guys! I got a couple of updates for you, but first... I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the support you guys have been giving me generally and especially the last few weeks. In terms of engagement, this past week was the best the channel has ever had. Never in my wildest dreams did I think the channel would come this far, and it's all because of YOU. Again, thank you so much.

Now, regarding updates... I know not all of you are here for Silent Hill stuff, and I promise that I got a wide diversity of interesting stuff coming up in the next couple of weeks. That said, there is one more Silent Hill video coming next week where I analyze the lore for new fans, while also providing updates to my old SH videos and an analysis of new lore for longtime fans.

And by the way, I know a lot of people are asking if I am going to stream the rest of Silent Hill 2 Remake. Trust me guys, I do want to! Unfortunately, my back has still been causing me a significant amount of pain. Sitting in a chair for hours straight without the necessary relief that would come from walking/stretching for 10+ minutes just isn't feasible right now. At the moment, any time spent in my chair working needs to strictly be for videos. Don't worry though... I have been doing everything I can to remedy the issue so I can hopefully stream the rest of game sooner rather than later.

Thank you for your patience, understanding and support. Oh, and one last thing... behind the text in the image below is a teaser of something I'm working on. Stay yellow!

6 days ago | [YT] | 1,674

Max Derrat

My Silent Hill 2 Remake review is clocking in at about 28-and-a-half minutes. Should be out on Tuesday.

1 week ago | [YT] | 2,163

Max Derrat

Hey guys! Two important things you should know. One is that I have a video coming out on Friday that is NOT the Silent Hill 2 Remake review. The second thing is that I have finished the game, and I am working as hard as I can to get my review out as early as possible. I am aiming for Monday or Tuesday of next week. Stay tuned!

2 weeks ago (edited) | [YT] | 1,762

Max Derrat

I will be streaming Silent Hill 2 Remake tomorrow (October 6th) at 1:00PM EST. Let's celebrate the true return of this iconic franchise together:

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 1,271

Max Derrat

Hey guys! Wanted to say a couple of quick things. First, thanks so much for checking out my Kabbalah video. I honestly wasn't sure how well you guys would receive it, but you seemed to really enjoy it. Second, in just over a week, I will obviously be doing coverage of the Silent Hill 2 Remake. But before that, I intend to do something fun in anticipation of that release. ;)

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 1,204

Max Derrat

Hey guys!

So, the plan was originally to stream Silent Hill 2 (original) last weekend, until I postponed it to this weekend. I wasn't able to do it this weekend because my computer has been experiencing a bit of slowdown which I attribute to the RAM. I got a couple of new sticks, though. I'll take it in this week and then hopefully, we should be ready by Saturday. In the meantime, I'm back to work on a new series of retrospectives!

1 month ago | [YT] | 1,004