📡 Science, technology – art. Fundamental and fun.
The author's channel about radio engineering, physics, as well as art and everything that is interesting to its authors.
Watch themed playlists to suit your taste.

😉 I am Alexander Shcherbin – a scientific and technical impressionist, radio engineer by education and profession.

Channel Rules
👺 Lifetime ban with nails for rudeness in the comments.
🔗Links in comments are published only after they have been verified. Links without explanation and spam will be deleted.
🐽 Comments that are rude or written in CAPITAL LETTERS will be deleted.
🏷️  Comments with unsubstantiated accusations and labeling will be deleted.

🎥 For advertising and cooperation issues, the e-mail button is just below. Write, don't be shy.

💲Support the channel financially – links below. Many thanks to my patrons.