Hello, I am Gery Malanda, founder of HOPFAN EUROPE CHURCHES. On this channel you have my audio books called “My weekly milk”, read and published by Lynn and Kelvin Giles; and the Voice of Healing TV program on TBN UK, and Various live streaming Programs; feeding you with the milk of the word of God, be stirred up in the spirit and endued with spiritual strength to face the challenges one might encounter during the week and come out victorious.
The majority of the teaching is on healing, deliverance, and equipping of the saints for their entire Christian journey. Testimonies of divine healing and deliverance are shared to encourage you to believe God for the impossible.
Pass on or forward this “My weekly milk” to as many people as he thinks it might bless. The bible has the final authority. Therefore, brethren whatever you read in this letter, be like the Christians of Berea who went back and checked in the scriptures if it was so.


Shared 4 months ago