I create original tracks using musical instruments and guitar effects. Sean at thenoisereel@gmail.com
147 videos
Effect Pedal Gear Demos
Sean Gibson
14 videos
Discovering unique influences to expand your guitar playing | how outside influence and genres can help
42 videos
PureSalem Guitars
32 videos
Chase Bliss Audio Warped Vinyl HiFi
7 videos
Lawrence Petross Design Seventy 4 demo | How an amp in a box can change your guitar playing
5 videos
Spaceman Effects Saturn VI demo | More than just a harmonic boost pedal for guitar? Best Spaceman Effects Saturn VI vids
6 videos
NativeAudio / Red House Electronics
3 videos
RPS Effects
8 videos
Guitar Demos
2 videos
Lawrence Petross Design
4 videos
FARM Pedals
-1 video
Ground Control Audio
Lollygagger FX
29 videos
Lovepedal and Hermida Audio USA
Stephen Douglas Design
Robert Keeley
Chase Bliss Audio
9 videos
BearFoot FX
Hungry Robot Pedals
The Sound Parcel
EarthQuaker Devices
12 videos
Mr. Black Pedals
Snouse Electric Co.
DCW Pedals
17 videos
Comparison Shootout Videos
Analog Man