Stephen Dalton Sleep Stories

As I count from 10 to 1, allow me to bring you to tonight’s Sleep Story… 💤

I’m Stephen, a voiceover artist, actor, and narrator from Ireland. Here, I write & narrate Sleep Stories, Bedtime Narrations with meditative elements, & Literature – helping you fall into a restorative and restful sleep.

The goal of this channel is to send a little peace and joy out into the world and aid you in becoming a more centered and grounded human being. Rest and sleep are so important to us humans, and I really hope that my channel will deliver you to a more peaceful and sleepy place...

Together with Jona, who helps me with animation & sound design, we release new stories every Monday, Wednesday & Thursday at 10:30 PM CET (2:30 PM PT / 5:30 PM ET) – if you have any suggestions for future videos, feel free to write. I wish you a wonderful stay here!

Stephen Dalton Sleep Stories

Hello my Friends,

Tonight we return to Cliff who lives on the Beach in a Hut. You might or might not remember that Cliff has a friend called Coral. Well let's just say that Coral has a slightly more significant part to play in tonight's story.

I wish you all peace.

Night night :)

1 day ago | [YT] | 429

Stephen Dalton Sleep Stories

Hello my Friends,

As most of you know, I do love dogs (here is a picture of little Timmy on his first ever visit to the Eiffel Tower yesterday). And of course I love animals of all kinds. So tonight is another one in which animals bring joy into the lives of those around them. Even the lives of other animals. And so tonight, please enjoy The Dog, The Cat & Their Friends.

Night night

From Stephen and Timmy

Video Link:

6 days ago (edited) | [YT] | 953

Stephen Dalton Sleep Stories

Hey everyone!

Tonight we go to a mystical land of Dragons. I know a lot of you love Dragon stories and this one was inspired by a very popular TV show that certainly captivated myself and Rebeca.

I really hope you like this adventurous tale and it is another one written by my niece Megan.

Night night

Stephen (and Timmy - my little dragon :)

1 week ago (edited) | [YT] | 463

Stephen Dalton Sleep Stories

Tonight's Sheep Story... I mean Sleep Story is all about... well. You should know by now. Night night :)

1 week ago | [YT] | 37

Stephen Dalton Sleep Stories

Hello my Friends,

Back to my homeland tonight and to your very own camper van (or RV for you Americans) experience through the South West of the island. It's rainy and misty and I hope you find it very beautiful and cozy. Nothing beats the West of Ireland on a misty cozy day (and night).

Night night :)

1 week ago | [YT] | 612

Stephen Dalton Sleep Stories

Hello my Friends,

Rebeca and I recently went on a walking tour in Paris. While on the tour, the guide told me a wonderful, cozy fact.... that the man who designed the Eiffel Tower made himself an apartment in the top. So tonight you will join him as he has a cozy evening looking out over Paris in the 19th Century.

Enjoy and Night night :)

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 898

Stephen Dalton Sleep Stories

Here is Timmy and I at the Dog Cafe in Paris. And this is where we will visit in tonight's Sleep Story.

Night night my friends and enjoy :)

Love Stephen and Timmy

2 weeks ago (edited) | [YT] | 1,870

Stephen Dalton Sleep Stories

Hello my Friends,

Tonight's Story is about a Sleepy Donkey. It's a cozy, simple and heartwarming tale.

I really hope you like it.

Night night

Stephen and Timmy :)

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 26

Stephen Dalton Sleep Stories


Hi guys,

Please always make sure that when you watch my videos that they are from my channel. Some person has been stealing my work and posting it on their channel. The videos on this other channel have ads popping up in the middle of them. This does not happen on my videos. We are dealing with this, but for the time being, make sure that you see my name below the video that you choose to watch.

I'll see you soon and I'll be posting a little short with Timmy during the week :)

He's very tired today and is sleeping next to me right now having a lazy Sunday.


3 weeks ago | [YT] | 1,903

Stephen Dalton Sleep Stories

Hello my Friends,

As you know, your opinions mean the world to myself and Jona. I read every single comment that each and every one of you post on each and every video. The other morning I was reading through, and I noticed that quite a few of you were not happy with the slightly louder than normal sounds/music on the new "Hope" story. And so we decided to take that video down, do some tweaking and release it again this evening, only better and even more calming. Your views (in every sense of the word) count. We listen and we are so grateful to all of you.

Night night

Stephen (and Timmy who is asleep next to me).

Ps Rebeca, Timmy and I visited a very special cafe just for dogs today in Paris. I will tell you all about it in a new Sleep Story coming soon :)

1 month ago | [YT] | 1,285