I’m Javier Sanchez, a Mexican photographer and film maker based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Throughout my journey in the industry, I’ve been privileged to delve into the expansive realms of documentary with latino stories, music videos and street photography.
My venture began in advertising, leading me into the worlds of photography, videography, editing, and documentary.
I attained scholarships to study photography and documentary while I was working as a copywriter in an advertising agency in 2002.
Noteworthy moments in my career include receiving a grant to travel to New York, to film and photograph a documentary about inmmigrants “A Thousand Dreams / 2014” while living in Mexico and my the most recent project, a documentary titled “Living as a Dreamer / 2024” co-produced with Universidad Iberoamericana at Mexico City.
I specialize in helping people, music bands and brands tell stories.
Javier Sanchez
Aiwey Films | San Francisco, California, USA
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