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We provide JEE aspirants high-quality, accurate, and comprehensive exam preparation videos to help them achieve their dreams of entering top engineering colleges in India.

Our channel is led by a team of experienced ALEN JEE faculty members who have played a pivotal role in helping numerous JEE toppers.

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β€’ Live guidance sessions to prepare for JEE Main & JEE Advanced
β€’ Practice questions, previous years' paper solutions, and answer keys for all the engineering entrance exams
β€’ Latest notifications related to exams, results, answer keys, counseling and reviews
β€’ Preparation strategy tips & tricks by subject matter experts

About Organization:
ALLEN Career Institute Pvt. Ltd. is India's premier coaching institute that offers outstanding preparatory courses for JEE (Main+Advanced), JEE (Main), NEET-UG, Class VI to X, NTSE & Olympiads, Commerce (Class XI, XII, CA & CS).