RobotDigg Equip Makers, Empower Engineers.
RobotDigg Shanghai is derived from stepper motor, linear stepper motor, control and drive solution, pulley and belt factory. Besides, we are trying to build an open warehouse for Engineers and Makers of much more.
RobotDigg serves as a good supporter and effective partner if you have enthusiasm in Surface Mount, 3D Printing, Extrusion and Injection, CNC Laser, Robot, Powder and Bulk Engineering, etc or you want to find a China Solution of Equipments, either you are from School, College, University, Academy or Institute working on projects of Prototyping, Science, Technology, Education, Factory Automation, Home Automation or Startup from DIY as Makers.
RobotDigg have an active and fruitful relationship with many affordable equipment and machine manufacturers in China. We work together to design and manufacture, in the meantime we bring the production on sale on RobotDigg which is similar with Amazon or eBay.
Shared 4 years ago