Hi! My name is Dawn and I'm a 39-year-old mom to a 4-year-old daughter. Malaysian living in Switzerland. I'm all about holistic lifestyle and I'm into hippie things like home birthing, elimination communication, breastfeeding on demand, respectful parenting, playing with dirt, less screen more green, Montessori, and unschooling (can't do it by law here but as much as possible).
I share openly about natural living/healing, motherhood and my cultural experiences in Switzerland. I hope my videos will leave you feeling empowered and less alone.
More about me:
Broken ballerina who studied business in uni, not out of passion. Certified yoga instructor. Love learning about movement and pain management. I share my knowledge in yoga classes in a small town in Switzerland. I love words. When I see numbers, my head goes blank. I just never get this almond butter on fruit thing. "LEAVE MY FRUIT ALONE!" 😆
You are wonderful and I'm looking forward to connect with you!