Ayom are musical seafarers who traverse the Black Atlantic from Brazil to Angola and Cape Verde with a distinctly Mediterranean identity. “Their sound is a mix of Brazilian, Tropical, Afrolatin and Afrolusitan sounds played with Irresistible
swing, like tropical sun penetrating grey clouds”.
Ayom is a multicultural band, made up of 6 members from Angola, Brazil, Greece and Italy with Brazilian singer and percussionist Jabu Morales centre stage. Jabu Morales (voice and percussion, Alberto Becucci (accordeon), Timoteo Grignani (percussion), Walter Martins (percussion), Ricardo Quinteria (guitar), Francesco Valente (bass).
Their name, Ayom, refers to the “Lord of Music” that in Afro brazilian mithology (Candomblè) exists in the tambor and taught humans to play music and sing.
Thus, musicality flourishes nomadic, profound, provocative and dancing, where tradition and contamination, male and female, poetry and energy, joy and engagement coexist.