Abigail Rose Gazda

Join me for a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual journey around the world and multiple dimensions!

I am a Clarity Coach helping you get clear about who you are, what you want, and where you are going in life.

I support souls speaking up about their silent struggle.
I support self development junkies ascend into self mastery.
I work with you to develop Emotional Intelligence.
I support your shift from dreaming to doing.
I walk with you (and cheer you on) as you create a life you love.

I am a the CEO of Hearts Unleashed, a full-service personal and professional development company empowering you to live with full freedom, power, and self expression in every area of your life.

I thrive the most in life while adventuring, writing, educating, laughing, and roller blading!

​I am committed to sharing what is possible and what there is to be grateful for in life. I am happy you found your way here. Welcome.

Abigail Rose Gazda

My green flag is I celebrate every single like, comment, share, and subscription because I think of the real person behind it. 💚

3 months ago | [YT] | 5

Abigail Rose Gazda

362: 15 Min Fill Up: How Affirmations Work

I LOVE affirmations and I love helping people understand how to use them to their fullest potential because not all affirmations are created equal. 

When affirmations are too big for your belief system, they can widen the gap between you and your desires.

Too big of affirmations create a sense of lack that manifests more lack and scarcity. 

That is why in this episode, I break down how they work and how you can make them work for you!

So if you are ready to call in your dreams and desires, listen in now!


5 months ago | [YT] | 2

Abigail Rose Gazda


Celebrating 666 subscribers and 444 videos on YT today! 🎉

I have gained over 80 organic subscribers in the last 3 months posting my newly edited meditations and I couldn’t be happier about it.

I feel so grateful to do work I love and serve people in aligned ways.

Hands down, if you would like to support the work I do, *actually* subscribing to my channel and liking the videos and commenting on them (not just watching the videos) is the most helpful free thing you can do for me in my business right now. It is a major career goal of mine to monetize my YT channels.

In fact, there is a mental game I play with myself that some of you may take to heart and apply it to your own dreams:

The work you do RIGHT NOW will pay you $10,000 a month in ten years.

(And honestly, probably more $ than that, and sooner than 10 years) - but I can tell you, it keeps me showing up every. single. day. for the visions I have on my heart.

Thanks for the support and thanks for Vibin’ with me. 🫶🏽

6 months ago | [YT] | 0

Abigail Rose Gazda

061: How One Year With A Coach Saved My Life

Alright, Hearts!

This is a powerful #15minfillup that I spent sharing how having a coach in 2016 saved me from myself!

At a time of going through divorce, changing careers, navigating adulthood, and trying to all of a sudden come up with a new desired future, I got lost for a while.

I went straight from an upward trajectory to a complete breakdown and overwhelm.

It was the support and accountability of my coaches that truly supported me in creating the next phase of my life powerfully.

A major life lesson that I learned in this time is that time does NOT heal all wounds!
What does heal wounds is healing them on purpose.

It is taking on the inner work that forces you to confront your fears and empowers you to create your life powerfully.

Waiting, hoping, wishing, and avoiding will not help.

It is up to you to get out of any rut you are in and I am using this episode to remind you that you can!
Be sure to tune into this episode to fill up on insight and inspiration that you can take on powerful action today!

When you are ready to have the support of a coach to move through your most challenging times and up leveling, visit www.abigailgazda.com to start today!


7 months ago | [YT] | 0

Abigail Rose Gazda

Insanity belongs to the untamed, untrained, undisciplined mind.

8 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 2

Abigail Rose Gazda

Maddy’s low tire pressure light came on. A bit confused and scared, she slowed her speed and shifted her focus from the open road to the exit signs zooming by.

Smack dab in the middle of Nowheresville, USA, she took the nearest exit, which had a lonely, four pump gas station and thank God, an air pump.

She pulled up to the air pump only to discover the hiss of the fast leak in her driver’s side back wheel.

A huge shard of metal was sticking out of the wheel wall where she knew it couldn’t be patched.

Tears began to well up as the air rushed out of the tire as quickly as it was going in.

Her excitement seemed to be deflating as fast as her wheel.

“You’re all alone,” she began to think frantically.

“You're alone in the country and no one can come save you.”

Her small tears became big tears, and her upset became panic.

“I don’t even know how to change a tire” she realized, sinking down beside it and beginning to sob.

All of a sudden, she wasn’t just alone; she was lonely.

Her inner critic was taunting her about the fact that she was all alone.

It was chanting and mocking her about her stupidity, a critical voice ringing in her ears as she heaved more tears and coughs of self-hate.

“How could you be so stupid?

What were you thinking just leaving like that?

Where do you think you are going, and what do you really think is there for you?”

She just kept crying harder and harder as the dread of loneliness consumed her.

She proceeded to wail for several minutes before something in her began to shift.

At one point, she began to feel ‘cried out.’

After a few more moments of feeling sorry for herself, the statement became an invitation.

“You're all alone and no one is going to come save you. Now what?”

The next thought she had was one she had never had before. “What would a grown-ass woman do? What would grown-up Madeline do?? What would thirty or forty-year-old Madeline do?”

Maddy had a new sense of determination to get herself out of this jam.

She walked into the gas station and asked the sweet old man behind the counter if there was a tire shop nearby. He gave her directions to one that was actually off the next exit.

She pumped up her tire as much as she could, and hit the road again.

“A single woman in the world’s gotta do what she’s gotta do,” she thought, with both hands tightly gripping her steering wheel. She was going 35 miles per hour on the interstate flashing her hazards.

Having gone from damsel in complete despair to iron maiden in approximately fifteen minutes flat, the tire disaster was giving her a renewed sense of self.

Ten minutes later, she found a traditional mechanic shop, gas station, restaurant, bar, grocery store, gift shop, hair salon, daycare combo that every Nowheresville has.

All of a sudden, she didn’t feel so alone.

Her feelings of isolation dissipated, and she inhaled a sentiment of self-sufficiency that she had never known before.

Her story and road trip could have ended there and been all about the shard of metal in her tire.

She could have given up hope one exit too early.

Instead, her story went on.

“What would grown Madeline do now?” she pondered again as she merged back onto the interstate, hours after her hopes and dreams had been as flat as her old tire.

“She’d keep going,” she answered herself out loud, smiling with satisfaction.

“She’d keep going.”

Pictured: The final illustration / Katie Willows > draft > vision draft / Elena Damour

8 months ago | [YT] | 2

Abigail Rose Gazda


This book is dedicated to the ones in search.

It is to those in search of answers, guidance, hope, faith, evidence, help, love, clarity, support, and more.

I know you have diligently looked far and wide and you can rest now.

It is your time to stop seeking and start seeing that the truth you have been in search of exists within you.

This is your guidebook back to you.
Back to your heart.
Back to love.

I know your journey has taken you every which way, likely to many peaks and valleys.

You are a divine gift on this planet and the search is over.
You are perfect.
You are whole.
You are complete and your purpose on the planet is to live as the fully unleashed, most authentic version of who you already are at your core.

No more looking.
No more becoming.
No more fixing, changing, wishing, and hoping.

Just being.
Welcome home.
I am happy you are here

-Dedication of Alchemizing Judgment: A Guide Back to Love

Available in ebook, paperback, *and Audible in late 2024* on abigailgazda.com/books

9 months ago | [YT] | 0

Abigail Rose Gazda

Fun fact: I will be publishing meditations every Monday and Friday of 2024 on YouTube

The most helpful thing you can do is subscribe, like 👍🏽 the videos, leave comments, watch the vids all the way through, and share if you feel called.

Thanks. I look forward to serving you in this way 💕🙌🏽

9 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 1

Abigail Rose Gazda

001: Welcome to the Hearts Unleashed Podcast

Hi! I’m Abigail!

I am your host of the Hearts Unleashed Podcast, where we are turning dreamers into doers.

Straight up, I don’t plan my Instagram grid, but I do plan my life!

​I plan to impact this world and unleash your heart!

I have a little motto that I live by, “self love in the form of self discovery.”

I truly believe that when we come to know, own, love, and share ourselves, we are truly unleashed to create a life we love.

This took me years to understand and apply.

My inner control freak always wants to force everyone to like and agree with me. Before truly meeting myself, I would shapeshift into a sweet, agreeable gal next door.

It looked great on the outside.
Often on the inside, I was exhausted and over-committed.
This was a recurring pattern before I realized how far I had drifted from my true essence.

Now, I like to think I am pretty agreeable and easy going still but I have certainly shifted from people pleasing to living a full life that pleases me.

From a full heart, I set boundaries and standards that have elevated me to a new game in life.

I am much more intentional about who I am being and what I am up to in this world.

Nowadays, I love from a place of purity.
I give from a place of joy.

I’ll always share from a brave heart that is out to make a difference in this world.

I have learned to empower fearlessly, laugh deeply, and shine brightly.

When you take the EVER IMPORTANT time it takes to get to know YOU, the world will know.

You will become unstoppable in your mission and commitments.

You will share your vitality as it overflows from your energized soul.

You will be able to hear the whispers of your heart.

You will take responsibility for the quality of your life.

You will go from dreaming to doing.

Welcome to the Hearts Unleashed Podcast.
I am excited you’re here.

I look forward to meeting you and you sharing your heart with us too.


9 months ago | [YT] | 1