Mr. Tech Guy

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my YouTube Channel!

I am your Tech Guy which handles your Networking, Web Development and many other I.T. related stuff.

You can also find me on Instagram if you like to know about other countries.

Here is my brief Intro:

Problem-solver| Designer | Programmer

● Problem-solving: Being capable of solving any problems quickly by utilizing creativity and simplicity.
● Designer: Having capacity to think outside the box by using imaginative and practical ideas to complete the task.
● Programmer: Understanding of programming and scripting languages in an organized an d flexible way which
benefits both the individuals and businesses.


● System: Windows PC ( from windows 95 to 10 ) , MAC OSX, Linux ( From Ubuntu to many distros) as well as BSD.
● Database: MySQL
● Languages: SQL, Python, Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
● Softwares: Pycharm, Notepad++, Libre Office, Microsoft Office, and many others.