Spiritual Silvera

I create life changing content explaining concepts of Law of Attraction, Law of Assumption, Quantum Jumping, Identity Shifting, based on teachings of Neville Goddard and all things spiritual to realise our infinite potential to influence our realities.

#NevilleGoddard #LawOfAssumption #lawofattraction

Spiritual Silvera

I was reading the 4th chapter of "Think Yourself Rich" by Joseph Murphy, which explores the idea of love. What's so paradoxical is that as a society, we are so primed to use hatred as our primary fuel, that the prospect of love seems to threaten us existentially. All that exists is "I AM". Everything other definition is just a temporary garment, stacked on top. It's absolutely fine to look at the bright side of burden, pain and all things "negative", as long as we don't develop a toxic addiction to it. You can love the hate without hating the love. There's always a better fuel out there.

1 year ago | [YT] | 4

Spiritual Silvera

Hi folks,
I’ll be taking a break from uploading any more lectures in this channel as I’m trying to improve the overall style of my videos. I’ve been working to separate out my original content and audiobook/lectures as it seems that the audiences are quite different for these two styles of videos. That being said, I won’t be deleting any lecture content that has already been published here, since a handful of you have been diligently viewing the entire videos at it’s full length. But, I shall be reserving this for only shorter explainer style content (10 minutes max). I’ll be posting info on my new channel dedicated towards audiobooks and lectures within a week or so.There’s a few weeks worth of content in the pipeline, so you’ll still be getting enough content on a daily basis, till any further update. Thank you for co-operating.

2 years ago | [YT] | 8

Spiritual Silvera

I have re-uploaded and published the full lecture "I Am The Lord" by Neville Goddard, with AUDIO WORKING PROPERLY. The old one has been deleted to prevent any further confusion. I truly appreciate those who commented on the video, clarifying the issue, rather than flooding with dislikes. Thank you.
Here's the link to the new video:

P.S.: On a funny note, the old video without audio was performing better than other similar lecture videos, for some reason. Just when you think you're getting the hang of how youtube's algorithm work, it ends up surprising you.

2 years ago | [YT] | 6

Spiritual Silvera

I started Neville Goddard’s original lecture series in order to trick myself into reading his original work, which I probably would’nt otherwise have (not in a million years). I just realized that I have completed reading and recording just over a 100 lectures now, some of which are in the pipeline of being premiered gradually over the coming days. It’s a good personal milestone which helped me understand Neville’s teachings better. Thanks to this, I’ll be making some SHORT FORM NEVILLE GODDARD QUOTE EXPLAINER videos in the coming days. Also, I’ll be hitting the first 1000 sub mark anytime in the coming weeks. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT.

2 years ago | [YT] | 7

Spiritual Silvera


Despite its simplicity, affirming is more about uttering words on repeat. After learning from a few coaches and doing research for a while, this is the change that made the most difference in terms of results and I’m pretty sure, it’d be the same in your case.

2 years ago | [YT] | 1

Spiritual Silvera


The mind is the steering wheel that navigate this 3D space. There’s a time and space to ENJOY the 3D and what it brings to the outer world. However, without knowing how to control it, we become a victim to it. Knowing to control one’s thoughts and emotion is what ultimately determines whether we’re at the driver’s seat or passenger’s seat of reality(where reality seems to be happening to us, as opposed to us causing it).
Watch this upcoming video to know more . Don’t forget to hit the “NOTIFY ME” button beside the video.

2 years ago | [YT] | 17

Spiritual Silvera


There's this constant tussle between the realness of memories vs realness of constructed scenes. You could say that our memories have an unfair edge over scenes, as their realness seems so effortless and obvious. Whereas, when it comes to scenes, a part of us goes "WHO AM I KIDDING?" especially ones related to past traumas. The stuff that helped me believe in my scenes is self concept. It might seem obvious to seasoned manifesters, but here's my take on why it's important.

Yesterday, after getting a like on my insta post, by an old friend of mine I went to university with (for master's), I had flashes of these old bitter sweet memories mostly before the first wave of pandemic back in 2019. It has been three years since those events transpired, and it feels like a haze. The haze is no different from the haziness of the scenes I've constructed, the one's with which I try to impress my subconscious mind with. However, I'm certain that the scenes from those memories actually happened in my reality. However, when I compare the "actual" memories with the constructed scene, there's a part of me that believes in the realness of the memories over the scenes I've constructed. Here's my break down of the feeling of "realness" when it comes to memories in two distinct elements, that separates it from scenes. 
The first one is external confirmation. There are certain external things in your present that confirm to you that the events have actually occurred. For example, in this event of me getting a like from my old friend, the fact that my friend knows me bears testimony to the fact that we know or used to know each other, and therefore my memories related to the person are indeed, real.
The second one is a sense of worthiness. Like when I recall the events, I don't even question my worthiness. For example, I had visited Europe back in 2017 and 2018, and I don't question whether I deserve them. It's as obvious as daylight, to me. However, when it comes to scenes that challenge our paradigm, we often need to contend with this additional factor of worthiness that often creates a space (a feeling of fakeness )between the scenes we try to impress our minds with.
So how do we transfer this "realness" of memories to our scenes?
Since, the first factor is external and there's very little external evidence we can use to our advantage, we deal with the second factor - worthiness. Often times, the realness of our past hinders with a certain feeling of worthiness. It is why I sincerely believe that self concept is important, as it levels the playing field in this game between SCENES and MEMORIES.

2 years ago | [YT] | 2

Spiritual Silvera

There are certain things we’ve all wished for, that didn’t quite end up manifesting in the past. But if the law doesn’t discriminate, shouldn’t we have gotten them, despite not being aware of conscious manifestation? I believe that believing in the “I AM” nature trumps all other beliefs in the longer run. It’s not that begging and pleading to something external won’t fetch you results AT ALL. It’s just that the chances of that would depend on the intricate web of your adjacent beliefs surrounding what you’re asking for. I love using the analogy of a CEO, who has stepped down and appointed an employee in his stead. And now, he has lost all his powers, not because he did not have any to begin with, but because it’s his own doing. So, now he’s at the mercy of the CEO he has appointed himself. However, you can always become the CEO again, which doesn’t quite fit this analogy..I know. But you get the idea. Another analogy would be… even though you own a car, you must still be at the wheel to steer it. The fact that it’s your own car won’t mean anything if it’s driven by someone else.

2 years ago | [YT] | 8

Spiritual Silvera


Whenever we talk about techniques or methods, with regards to anything, we end up discussing what must be done and in discussing such, we implicitly also discuss what musn’t be done. But this is only to trivialize the experience of impressing our subconscious mind. Everything can be treated as a limiting belief in the grand scheme of manifestation. However, we still use elements of 3D to impress the subconscious mind. For example, when you script, you engage with a 3d object such as pen and paper in order to interact with your own subconscious. So it’s not that 4D itself is limited. Rather there are certain rules and their corresponding limitations which we engage with. Should we try to transcend all of them at once and lose focus on what we’re actually trying to change? That’s truly upto us. When we tackle a specific belief that we want to alter, we use the rest of the beliefs to our advantage. For example, if we believe that affirming results in manifestation, and we affirm, our manifestations come to fruition. However, if we treat this belief loosely , then we get simply overwhelmed as to what to believe anymore, because everything is so lucid. One can argue that techniques are just beliefs that can be tampered with. But is there any use to that feeling of “empowerment”? Just because you’ve built a house from scratch, doesn’t mean that the rain outside will make an exception not to fall on your head. You would still have to step inside the premises to shelter yourself from the water. My point is that if I believe that pressing a button results in manifestation, I would prefer pressing the button and preserve this belief. I’d use the belief to my advantage rather than analyse the mechanics of it, and call it “just a belief”. In trying to scope out of every belief, you’re losing focus on what’s in hand. So yes, everything is a “limiting belief” but sometimes limits help us weed out the BS and focus on what’s important. That’s how the 3D has been wired. Remember, you can try altering a belief, all the time. You can try altering all of your belief, in turn, some time. However, I would try altering all of my beliefs all the time. And why? Because belief changes beliefs.

2 years ago | [YT] | 6

Spiritual Silvera


What is it? It’s this idea that I’m better than everyone else because I am familiar with these teaching and others are not. I do believe in it’s effectiveness in tackling low self esteem and lack of confidence. However, it’s important to find a balanced ground. There’s a different between empowerment and arrogance. The need for superiority, if you really dissect it, stems from the absence of an abundance mindset, where we subscribe to this 3D idea that resources are finite and therefore, we must fight to get a fair share of the collective. It’s this idea that the universe is a zero sum game. I believe that there’s a time and place for using “negative” energies to our own advantage(things like arrogance and depression) and play this 3D game. However, it’s important to remember, what we’re ultimately aiming for - freedom and abundance, in a somewhat absolute, yet subjective sense, and not to ascertain superiority.

2 years ago | [YT] | 6