Aaj Tak HD, India's first high-definition channel, brings to you the latest news in politics, entertainment, Bollywood, business, and world in Hindi. Reinforcing its 18-year legacy of being a pioneer, Aaj Tak marks another milestone by ushering in the future through the HD avatar. Aaj Tak HD is powered by rich exclusives, superior picture, and audio quality, lesser advertisements, making it the preferred news destination. Aaj Tak has had many firsts to its name, being the first to use 3-D augmented reality graphics during UP elections, first to use drone camera, first to launch election express - the only LIVE and on the move newsroom, and by becoming the first Hindi news channel to beat GEC channels on coverage. Aaj Tak HD channel will strengthen the company's competitive positioning and will consolidate its leadership in the Hindi speaking belt. Stay tuned for the news in high definition at the Aajtak HD channel.