Improv quilting: wherein we cut and sew and see what happens. 🥰 And there will probably be circles. And black and white stripes.
10 videos
Curved Piecing / Applique
Warped Spinster
15 videos
7 videos
Improv Piecing
39 videos
Circles & Curves
3 videos
George's Park
160 videos
Quilt With Me: Stash/Scrap Busting
4 videos
Circuit Quilt
23 videos
9 videos
Log Cabin blocks
24 videos
2-1/2" Squares
Bear Paw / It Bears Repeating
5 videos
Find the Fairy Tale
Curvilinear Quilt
13 videos
Alice Wondering
Funky Pineapple Blocks and Quilt
2 videos
Wonkified Fairy Tales
8 videos
Wonkified Traditional Blocks
-1 video
Bag Making
6 videos
Quilting Tutorials
Machine Embroidery
Funky Pineapple Geese
Sunday Sundries
High Fives
Miscellaneous Sunday
Construction Zone
Sit, Quilt, CHAT
Crazy Modern