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I make videos on World Building and tell Minecraft History stories

I'm the creator of the Stoneworks Minecraft Server- Minecraft Rathnir, Eldham, and Abexilas, at Play.Stoneworks.GG.

We cover amazing tags like: Worldbuilding, world building, writing, history, Minecraft, civilizations, 100 days, weapons, update, snapshot, simulation, non-Euclidian, speedrunning, kingdoms, hunter, house, song, parody, animation, tutorial, shorts, dungeons, DM, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, GMing

Good minecraft channels- FitMC, MagicGum, Dream, Schlatt (lmao), CrazyKing, RFR RedFireRex, ibxtoycat, theomonty

Good world building channels- James Tullos, Hello Future Me, World Building Notes, Artifexian, How to be a Great Game Master, Runesmith, Tale Foundry, Overly Sarcastic Productions.

Good history channels - Historia Civilis, UsefulCharts, AlternateHistoryHub, Sam Aranow, M. Laser History, Kraut, Ancient Americas, Atun-Shei Films, Overly Sarcastic Productions.