The Genoa Municipality Channel è supplemento del quotidiano online "Comune di Genova Web"
iscritto al Registro Stampa del Tribunale di Genova (Italy) al N. 26/2011 del 22/11/2011.
Direttore responsabile Cesare Torre.
THE GENOA MUNICIPALITY CHANNEL shows past, present and future Genoa through thematical videos which represent the City, its history, its cultural and touristic offer.
The GMC is the result of teamwork, coordinated by the Municipality of Genoa, among institutions which have made their files and documents available with the common goal of promoting Genoa and its image through the Web.
In a resource lacking global society, culture is the only good which can grow limitless and damaging nothing and no one.
For more information on Genoa Municipality:
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago