Proud to be ZIONIST, and JEWISH
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Blood Brothers Christians and Jews
stephen harper FOREVER!!
Death To Jihad
Peace ☮
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Jerusalem mentioned in the Torah: 667 times
Jerusalem mentioned in the Quran: 0 times
Jews living in Jerusalem 1896: 28.112
Muslims living in Jerusalem 1896: 8.560
Jews living in seperated Jerusalem 1967: 195.700
Muslims living in seperated Jerualem 1967: 54.963
Jews living in Jerusalem 2005: 591.400
Muslims living in Jerusalem 2005: 174.400
Jewish Countries: 1
Jewish Democracis: 1
Arabic Countries: 22
Arabic Democracies: 0
Number of Arabs, allowed
to live in arabic Settlements by the israeli
Government in Israel : 1.250.000
Number of Jews, allowed
to live in jewish Settlements by the
arabic Authority in "Palestine": 0
Percentage share by the Commission
of Human Rights Resolution of UNO
against an arabic country
in terms of human rights violation: 0% (!!!!!!)
Percentage share by Commission
of Human Rights Resolution of UNO
against Israel in terms of human
rights violation: 26 % (!!!!!!)
Proud to be Jewish!
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