I like to play games that are nostalgic to me in some way. I always stream my gaming live at www.twitch.tv/cutepiku. This channel is an archive of the games I streamed!
149 videos
9 videos
7 videos
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
16 videos
Star Ocean: The Second Story (Claude Playthrough)
Lunar: Silver Star Story
-1 video
Speed Power Gunbike
11 videos
Princess Minerva
14 videos
Final Fantasy VI
Death Road To Canada
Binding of Isaac Afterbirth
Donkey Kong Country 2
5 videos
Magic Knight Rayearth (SNES)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Valkyrie Profile
Populous: The Beginning
The Guardian Legend
12 videos
Star Ocean: Fantastic Space Odyssey
15 videos
Legend of Mana
10 videos
Thousand Arms
6 videos
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
19 videos
Star Ocean: The Second Story (Rena Playthrough)
Secret of Mana
Super Bonk
Super Mario RPG
Pokemon Puzzle League
Tetris Attack
Chrono Trigger
Breath of Fire II