Anima Sound Medicine

A musical alchemy of sacred and healing sounds inspired by ancient wisdom and the awakened heart.

Anima's enchanting, healing, spiritual, new age music blends electronic soundscapes with acoustic instrumentations and beautiful vocals that use both deep ambience and subtle uplifting melodies to create compositions that encourage and enable meditation, healing, inner journeying, transformational mind-shifts, personal peace and relaxation.

Ali and Daniela have both spent considerable time living with indigenous elders and teachers, studying ancient ways of ceremony, spirit medicine, yoga and the use of sacred sound. They recorded their first album together while living in the Amazon jungle and the Andes Mountains. Since then, their recordings have chronicled an evolving journey of musical alchemy inspired by ancient wisdom and the awakened heart. "We chose the name Anima because in various languages and cultures it means soul, breath, air, life force and feminine spirit energy,"