
Wassup Guys! My name's Captain Dave and welcome to my channel!

Reactions & Discussions

Current Schedule:
Marvels Spider-Man - Every Other Day
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3 - Everyday

Here you will find a variety of wakthroughs, however the main focus is on games relating to Superheroes, Marvel, DC or any other comics. I am a huge Superhero fan and i bring that knowledge and enthusiasm with me while guiding players through the game.

Reactions & Discussions:
Reactions and discussions on recently released Movies, TV and Game trailers.

I also hold a Q&A session called the Captains Quarters in which i answer every comment from the last Q&A.

So if you like what you see then welcome aboard!
Lets clear up this world one Super Villain at a time!

With great power, must also come great responsibility... Thankfully i have neither.


Wassup Crew!
Long time no speak aye? My bad. We haven't caught up in an age, it's been so long a pandemic could have happened in that time.

So as you all probably guessed i got busy again. This keeps happening. I keep making plans with this channel then disappearing when life gets in the way. Inevitably letting you all down in the process. So i've come to the realization that maybe this just isn't for me anymore.

I'm not going to list all reasons as to why i came to this decision otherwise we'll be here all day and i'm sure there has to be a word cap on these community posts at some point haha. Nor am i going to say that i'm gone forever. Who knows if one day i'll decide to dust off the old capture card and give it another go around. But as for now i have a lot going on in my life and just don't have time for the upkeep running a channel like this takes. Besides let's be honest here, i've never been good with the social side of social media haha.

Anywho. I just wanted to let you all know what's what. A lot of you have been with me for a long damn time and i really appreciate that. Sticking by me through my many hiatuses (is that a word?). So i hope you are all doing well in this apocalyptic future we live in. I look forward to speaking to you all when i next pop my head out of the Batcave.

Cap-Cave... hmm... that would have been good. Could have used that one. Looks like i do have a super power after all - "Captain Hindsight!" haha.

Right i'm rambling now. Had to get one more ramble in before i left.

But for now, i'll (hopefully) catch you guys... later.


4 years ago | [YT] | 223


If you've got a moment and fancy checking out something new then give this new music video from Sun Arcana a watch. They make great music and deserve waaaaay more recognition.
Plus my brother works with them as a photographer and created their album art so check him out too

5 years ago | [YT] | 21


Will be doing the MUA3 Q&A/discussion live stream at 4pm (UK time).

5 years ago | [YT] | 36


To everyone who might be effected by the hurricane im hoping for the best for you and your loved ones. Stay safe.

5 years ago | [YT] | 73


The last episode of my Spider-Man walkthrough goes live tomorrow! I can't believe we are finally at the last episode!
Thank you all so much for watching through with me. I have loved every second of it (minus Screwball).

5 years ago | [YT] | 72


New Spider-Man video up soon. I’m not able to make it live at the moment but will as soon as i’m home.

5 years ago | [YT] | 49


Episode 18 of MUA 3 might be a tad late, editing it as we speak! Should be live in a couple of hours.

5 years ago | [YT] | 35


I'm changing Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3 from daily videos to every other day (alternating days with Spider-Man).
I tried to keep up with daily uploads to give the crew more videos but i just don't have time to get enough recorded.
The walkthrough is still going strong, just uploading on different days.

5 years ago | [YT] | 86


With the arrival of Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3 i wanted to give you all a quick update to the schedule:
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 - Everyday
Spider-Man - Every other day

5 years ago | [YT] | 63


For those asking, I will definitely be playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3! As soon as i'm able to record it will be up for you.

5 years ago | [YT] | 51