Hello! I was formely known as Hannele86. Maija is my real name and I wish to welcome all the fans to my long-time active channel. Hope you like and love videos I had made over the years. Enjoy!! :D

Birthday: 15/01/86

Fandoms: Angel, Charmed, Smallville, Twilight Saga, The Vampire Diaries, The Secret Circle, Doctor Who, Supernatural, The Originals, Mortal Instruments

Favorite pairings: Clark/Chloe, Angel/Cordelia, Stefan/Caroline, Damon/Bonnie, Ten/Rose, Eleven/Clara, Sam/Ava

Crossover pairings: Sam/Sookie (SPN/TB), Edward/Cassie (Twilight/TSC), Angel/Piper (Angel/Charmed) and many more...