Hello everyone, the name is Eli O.W. Apelboim or Eli T.E. Apelboim. I am a good abridger and voice artist. I am also a poet and would love to share my poetry with all of you. Send grats to Rishoncool for his abridge series with four other people who I dont care what their names are. I have good vids to show and all of you who dont like me or my vids can get out before I shove a chair up ya but.

~everyone leaves~

Noooooooo, stay please.......ok leave hate comments, I dont care, if ya wanna say it to my face I would be glad to break your face in for you.

~everyone comes back throwing taters~

Ahhhh, it hurts, if I play you a song will yous top. Ok, and I am a musician, I dont post my music because I know you people will stalk me to hurt me.