1. This channel is dead. "cuzzys2nd" is my new channel. youtube.com/user/Cuzzys2nd

2. I'm not playing or talking in any of the vids except "play fun happy time" (as one of NOBUNAGA's opponents).

3. I'm NOT one of the four guys of FourPlayerPodcast, I'm just their "middleman" for uploading vids made out of their live broadcast's raw footage. I share vids with David's 4PlayerPodcast YT account, but I also have some that his channel doesn't have, and vice versa...

4. The reason why no GTA4 vids have been uploaded is due to Rockstar and Take2's lawyers. I can't put up any new gameplay vids of it on my channel, sorry...

5. Spam/racist remarks/Nth comment or view/chain letters that's more than just a one-time occurence on my vids gets the comment(s) removed and the offender likely blocked.

6. I don't sub-4-sub.


Brad- King Hyral
Travis- Nobunagas Quest
Nick- NICKH701
David- Paranoia Reborn

Thanks for watching!