Kazuma Nishimura (KUROKIO)

last & shoemaker in Japan
I love shoemaking. Shoemaking requires materials and tools. We can use whatever we have around us. I like making shoes using a lot of things around me, as well as making shoes using specialized tools and materials. I make shoes that can be done by someone without specialized tools and materials. Trial and error for that.
I would like to share my knowledge and experience with people who love shoemaking as much as I do.

If you want to learn more about shoemaking, join the Shoemaking family and watch membership-only videos.
The Craftsman course will answer any question related to shoemaking. I will study and answer what I do not know. I opened it with the intention of a correspondence course for a shoemaking class. If you have any questions about shoemaking, please register and ask.
