We're just a couple of guys who like playing video games and recording ourselves playing them.
26 videos
Roless Gaming
7 videos
Mega Man 11
27 videos
Achievement Guides
12 videos
Mega Man X Legacy Collections
-1 video
Kaiten Patissier
18 videos
2 videos
Bendy and the Ink Machine
3 videos
Dead by Daylight
Hello Neighbor
Shadows of the Damned
11 videos
Race to the Finish! - A Boy and His Blob
Random Stuff
42 videos
KOTOR 2 Restored Content Mod Let's Play
Yu-Gi-Oh Legacy of the Duelist
Let's Play - Resident Evil 4
Cook, Serve, Delicious
5 videos
Deadpool Lets Play's
Super Mario Galaxy
Doom Beta
4 videos
Battleborn Beta
3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures
Super Smash Bros.
FNAF World
Insert Coin
Halo 3: ODST Campaign playthrough
6 videos
Mortal Kombat 9 Story
Let's Play - The Walking Dead Season 1
First Impressions