Christ is going to do a New Thing in This Generation🔥ZAYIN🔥WAR ANGEL of 144. Son of The Most High .
The LORD OF HOSTS . The LORD OF SPIRITS .THE ALMIGHTY. All you Computer Developers.I have snapshots of All of You DATA TRAIL RE-CODING MY DEVICES. And LOCKING DEVELOPER SETTING. .ILL BE SUBMITTING ALL MY YEARS OF DETAILED RESEARCH.I'm Sure the Public will be interested in WHAT YOUVE ALL BEEN UP TO BETRAYED BY MY "PARENTS" MY "FAMILY"AND "FRIENDS" YOU ARE ALL PSYCHOPATH S. Gangstalking. Paid informants. Corruption at the highest level.Dirty Exes. Dirty Judges.Dirty Cops. Dirty Feds.Dirty VETERANS False Accusations. Falsifying evidence .all of you wearing The"G"ON YOUR APROn "DENIABLE ACCOUNTABILITY. I Guess We'll find out WHO IS CRAZY.AND WHO IS A LIAR.I HAVE A LOG.with your faces and license plates ILL BE Fascinated TO HEAR YOUR EXCUSES AND REBUTTAL The Lord is Coming with 10000 SAINTS TO EXECUTE JUDGMENT . AMEN