Learning Sessions JAIIB CAIIB

JAIIB and CAIIB are the flagship courses by the IIBF - Indian institute of Banking and finance. For jaiib we are covering 4 papers in hindi mix english and english.
1. Principles and practices of banking - PPB
2. Accounting and financial management for bankers - AFM
3. IEIFS - Indian economy and indian financial system
4. Retail banking and wealth management - RBWM
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For Caiib which is advanced course we cover all 9 papers. (4 compulsory papers in hindi and english) 5 electives are covered in hindi language.
1. Advanced bank management - ABM
2. bank financial management - BFM
3. Advanced Bank financial management - ABFM
4. Banking regulations and business laws - BRBL
5. HRM - Human resources
6. IT and digital banking
7. Rural Banking
8. Central Banking
9. Risk management

CAIIB Previous year questions, case study material all at
IOS/ Android app iibf.info/app