Stellara Vox | Kayleigh O'Keefe

Hi, I’m Stellara Vox, voice of the stars and starseeds. You may also know me as Kayleigh O’Keefe, Founder of Soul Excellence Ventures.

In my videos, I share galactic wisdom for earthly living to help you remember your starseed origins, anchor in your light frequency, and initiate the New Earth.

I’ll share what I’ve learned in my human experience - along with transmission from the Pleiadians and other galactic beings - to help you upgrade your human operating system and live fully aligned to your life’s purpose.

I’ve authored 9 best-selling books on conscious leadership, taught over 600 people how to share their stories in 18 best-selling books, and allowed myself to be fully rebirthed again and again on the path from the 3D to the 5D.

You are ready to burst forth from your cocoon and activate your cosmic energy to support the ascension of the planet!

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