Salyangoz Potkest was a journey through underground acid / rave sounds which was curated by ECE & Ha Sektör of Wreckage Sound System.
Salyangoz is the Turkish word for snail. In Islam land snails come under the ruling on eating insects. The majority of scholars are of the view that it is haram. In Turkey non-Muslim minorities like Greeks and Armenians have been eating snails with pleasure for a long time.
The name "Salyangoz" is a sarcastic reference to a Turkish idiom; "Müslüman mahallesinde salyangoz satmak" which could be translated in to English as "Selling snails in the Muslim neighbourhood".
The idiom highlights the culture of intolerance while advising you not to be different from the rest.
Strictly anti-racist, anti-fascist and anti-sexist.