Teaching Maghribi Mabsut & Kufi Mushafi - Kufic scripts
قنات لتعليم الخط المغربي بانواعه المختلفة


Ejaza In Maghribi Mabsut Script - حاصل عنلى إجازة في الخط المغربي المبسوط
My courses on Udemy:
Learn Maghribi Mabsut Single letters only, (combined letters course is coming soon Insha Allah). This course is on my Udemy please find the link here:
the teaching is for the single letters only. It is not based on the Nuqta (Dot) measurement but rather on the ancient and traditional way of teaching the Maghribi script style.

If finance is preventing you from learning, then please contact me at khelloufi.com