Hmm...about me. Crazy!! Lol. I'm a calm (eh, for the most part), collected, & down to earth dude with a big heart that loves God, loves to laugh, and is allergic to drama! Fearfully and wonderfully made, as we ALL are, by a God that does not make mistakes!
We are not here by chance, & we all have a God given purpose to fulfill in this life, no matter how seemingly great or small. No one can stop you, but YOU! The race isn't given to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but to them that endure to the end. So, we gotta run until we finish!
So matter what, choose to always live above and never beneath your circumstances. Stay full of life and joy & never let anyone nor anything take your joy away. Live! Love! Laugh! Give! Forgive, for your own sanity and peace of mind. Pray for one another! Cherish each day & thank God for allowing you to live another one. I know I do. Much love!