YouTube home of the musical legacy of Laurie Z.® (BMI). You can help to keep Laurie's music alive by "Liking" her on Facebook & Twitter.
Laurie passed away in 2006. At Laurie's request, we continue to promote her music and master her unreleased works for future release so that music lovers throughout the world can continue to enjoy Laurie's music.
Described by music critics as "abslolutely amazing," the music of Laurie Z. is hard to define — it has most frequently been described as "new age jazz with classical technique." Laurie gracefully mixed classical, modern jazz and contemporary instrumental styles. At any keyboard, Laurie sang through her fingertips.
Heartfelt thanks go out to all who have contributed to preserving the loving memory of Laurie and Michael Carter and in helping to perpetuate Laurie's musical legacy. Special thanks go out to the loving and gracious YouTube community that has so warmly and lovingly embraced Laurie's music. You are AWESOME!